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LASTWOODSMANDumas Kit #326 Rearwin SpeedsterParked24-Oct-18 02:46
Views : 987
LASTWOODSMANDumas Kit #326 Rearwin SpeedsterParked24-Oct-18 02:44
Views : 377
REARWIN SPEEDSTER 30" Fall flights Oct 22 2018
LASTWOODSMANDumas Kit #326 Rearwin SpeedsterParked09-May-18 22:25
Views : 455
REARWIN SPEEDSTER FLIGHT REPORT MAY 8 2018 (cont) The last flight of the day, when the winds were getting higher and gustier, the Speedster was driven down into the grass by a gust of wind ( see pic ), so I called it a day, and there was NO DAMAGE to the plane.
LASTWOODSMANDumas Kit #326 Rearwin SpeedsterParked09-May-18 22:22
Views : 386
REARWIN SPEEDSTER FLIGHT REPORT MAY 8 2018 (cont) All of the flights were 15 - 20 seconds on a perfect sunny day. I sent her out on the first flight, which to my relief, was long and very slightly turning left, after which I adjusted the rudder tab for more left turn.
LASTWOODSMANDumas Kit #326 Rearwin SpeedsterParked09-May-18 22:16
Views : 371
LASTWOODSMANDumas Kit #326 Rearwin SpeedsterParked09-May-18 22:14
Views : 390
REARWIN SPEEDSTER FLIGHT REPORT MAY 8 2018 (cont) Plus the grass was still 6" long and thick, as they mowed the rest of the park yesterday, but had not mowed the cricket Wicket yet today.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
LASTWOODSMANDumas Kit #326 Rearwin SpeedsterParked09-May-18 22:11
Views : 341
REARWIN SPEEDSTER FLIGHT REPORT MAY 8 2018 (cont) She has the braided 3/16" motor of four strands, when twisted up and resting, is just under 15" inches long, with prop hook to rear peg of 15 inches.
LASTWOODSMANDumas Kit #326 Rearwin SpeedsterParked09-May-18 22:08
Views : 383
REARWIN SPEEDSTER FLIGHT REPORT MAY 8 2018 On May 8 2018, we headed out to the Cricket Wicket in Jackson Park with the Dumas 30" REARWIN SPEEDSTER, high wing Jumbo. At 11:00 AM, it was 63 deg F, with winds 7 mph from the south, gusting to 11 mph, and ONLY 45% humidity! - but with still lots of dew on the long grass.
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked21-Jan-18 08:05
Views : 719
RCMP Canada's National Police Force
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked21-Jan-18 08:04
Views : 791
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked21-Jan-18 08:04
Views : 687
RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police
LASTWOODSMANSIG Customaire # FF-26 Parked22-Dec-17 19:53
Views : 1042
Happy Holidays Every one! song "I HEARD THE BELLS ON CHRISTMAS DAY" https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=accordion+I+heard+the+bells+on+christmas+day+&&view=detail&mid=449C6621CBBB0B22CF24449C6621CBBB0B22CF24&FORM=VRDGAR LYRICS https://www.bing.com/search?q=lyrics+i+heard+the+bells+on+christmas+day&qs=n&form=QBLH&scope=web&pc=MOZD&sp=-1&pq=lyrics+i+heard+the+bells+on+christmas+day&sc=1-41&sk=&cvid=F0F7E83A12A444B29FC4715BB902F096
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