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Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild23-Mar-08 16:52
Views : 747
I think this windscreen technique worked well.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild23-Mar-08 16:50
Views : 731
The Rat gets to meet the Goose and Barrel tonight!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild23-Mar-08 16:49
Views : 727
Old A&P your engine pics are still missing the mark. The cockpit needs two folding half doors....tomorrow!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild23-Mar-08 16:46
Views : 767
A big day in the Rodent's life...she gets to leave the shop after work and spend time with the family!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild23-Mar-08 14:19
Views : 790
The upper exhaust stacks are now permanent. Now to finish the pit.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild23-Mar-08 14:17
Views : 745
The wind screen experiment a great success. After the glue dried I dipped it into future Fl Wax twice. Worked great note this for all of your future building endeavors!
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild23-Mar-08 10:28
Views : 767
And now the screen has a roof!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild23-Mar-08 10:27
Views : 796
poppy...It worked it is...SMOOOTCH!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild22-Mar-08 21:22
Views : 836
poppy...If the Elmer's dries and holds this in place you said it will I'm a gonna send you a big KISS!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild22-Mar-08 19:37
Views : 796
The brass wire frame for the windscreen has been covered with thin srtips of Cu sheeting. Creosotewind....only bunt the fingers once!!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild21-Mar-08 20:35
Views : 646
SW...See I did use flat white!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild21-Mar-08 20:33
Views : 731
Easter egg spinner and prop assembly dry fit, now to finish it!
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