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John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked20-Mar-08 14:27
Views : 718
Perhaps some tweaking before final paint but I think this finish will pass least I hope it does!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild20-Mar-08 14:25
Views : 667
SW...I had one small spot on the Al cowl ripple like your wings did....why I am not knowing!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild20-Mar-08 14:23
Views : 681
After this go roung I think the Rat is ready for paint.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild19-Mar-08 18:54
Views : 731
popy...and those interested...shrink tubing!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild19-Mar-08 18:09
Views : 652
I have been so focused on the fuse that I forgot that I needed wings and wing tips. I finished covering the wings and laminated some tips.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild19-Mar-08 13:03
Views : 668
The Rat is getting there. While the primer on the fuse dries I will address the feathers.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild19-Mar-08 13:01
Views : 722
The "Rat's" second body treatment and spritz of primer.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild17-Mar-08 18:52
Views : 676
Vents open! For Spring! BTW here in the NE St Pat's day is a big thing....Happy St. Pat's Day to all. Off for croned beff and cabbage and some suds!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild17-Mar-08 18:50
Views : 736
Godfrey Danile it WORKED...vents closed!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild17-Mar-08 18:07
Views : 758
c- 22 the Aluminum cowl front will be glued in place. The vent ring can rotate underneath allowing for temp.control in the harsh Russian winters. You may have noticed that the RAT has a coat of white primer.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild17-Mar-08 18:03
Views : 719
The parts seem to fit.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild17-Mar-08 18:01
Views : 731
Part c -20...will rotate on the wooden hub c-21, allowing the engi8ne vents to close or open. Why the part numbers...because I just named and designed them!
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