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John M Oshust | AerodromeRC Fokker Dr.1 | Build | 23-Feb-12 15:14 | | Views : 492 | Bad news I have 8 more to assemble!!!! |
John M Oshust | AerodromeRC Fokker Dr.1 | Build | 23-Feb-12 15:14 | | Views : 478 | Good news....the parts and assembly procedure for a cylinder is worked out. Intake manifold, rocker arms, valves and springs, spark plug, and ignition wire. |
John M Oshust | AerodromeRC Fokker Dr.1 | Build | 23-Feb-12 12:42 | | Views : 532 | Sufficient reference material has been obtained....let the adventure commence!! |
John M Oshust | AerodromeRC Fokker Dr.1 | Build | 23-Feb-12 12:41 | | Views : 491 | The Fok (German military abbreviation) Dr.I had three possible engines. The most sought after power plant was the Le Rhone. I shall attempt to fabricate an engine abstract representing a Le Rhone rotary. Wish me luck! |
John M Oshust | AerodromeRC Fokker Dr.1 | Build | 22-Feb-12 08:33 | | Views : 544 | Meet the Fokker. Soon to be starting another project. The parts arrived while I have been away. I shall open and peruse the parts tomorrow. This past weekend, while pondering the Dr. I, I remembered knocking this together. |
John M Oshust | AerodromeRC Fokker Dr.1 | Build | 05-Feb-12 08:12 | | Views : 614 | The next build. Should be cut by the end of the week. Gives me time to detail and assemble Katrina. |