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wingspannerScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild31-Dec-09 09:00
Views : 889
Tail and fin are not sheeted. Although timber included laser cut spars they were no good as once lasersed they were 1/16" too narrow.
wingspannerScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild31-Dec-09 08:57
Views : 826
Plans are downloaded when bought and are very well drawn. Some good construction ideas. the wings for instance include the ailerons when build and are then removed once sheeted.
wingspannerScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild31-Dec-09 08:53
Views : 832
Kit arrived damaged although I did reveive a discount from TDM. Timber was same width as box therefore once a little pressure was put on the sides of the boxes everything split in two!
wingspannerScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild31-Dec-09 08:52
Views : 1012
This is my next build. It's a TDM Models Polikarpov I16 31" span. Not sure on the colour scheme although i am heading towards this one although this is the only picture I can find relating to it.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked26-Jul-09 11:34
Views : 3417
I believe poppy is correct. What is on my Rat is also not a cannon but a starting lug. When this model was inspected by a gent who flew a Rat, he was impressed that I included the starting lug.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked10-Aug-08 21:00
Views : 3566
Herr Dorfmann...perhaps this is the wooden cowl you were thinking of???
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked26-Apr-08 12:15
Views : 3560
My granny taught me how to sculpt a lamb from butter when I was a kidling. I do one every year. The inscription on the flag "Chirst has risen" in Ukie!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked26-Apr-08 12:13
Views : 3371
The one second from the right was my first, 50 years agao when I was 12.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked26-Apr-08 12:11
Views : 3423
This weekend is Orthodox (Russian) Easter. I thought you would like to see some of my easter work. Theses are hollow raw eggs made by the "O"
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataFlying12-Apr-08 16:58
Views : 3332
Flying as much as she will the "RAT" patrols the den in line for shipment to the cabin.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked12-Apr-08 16:56
Views : 3212
The Rat meets the Goose. Temporary mission in the den.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked10-Apr-08 18:57
Views : 3351
It had to happen...the ROOF!!!
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