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John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked10-Apr-08 18:24
Views : 3547
The Gumby meets Commander Karova...either The cow is tall of Gumby short!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked10-Apr-08 18:19
Views : 3406
The prop, plans, wheels, and Easter egg spinner were the only parts not built by hand. 427 plus hours and abour $300 in material!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked10-Apr-08 18:12
Views : 3191
Can you Imagine flying high and fast in an open pit!! Russkie EGGS!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked10-Apr-08 18:10
Views : 3319
Sorry about bothering you all with pictures. On the Corsair I will post a beginning, middle , and end.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked10-Apr-08 18:08
Views : 1097
A view from the feathers....very similar in shape to my Mig 2.95!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked10-Apr-08 18:06
Views : 964
She is such an "Ugly Betty!" A grey Holstein..perhaps!
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked10-Apr-08 18:04
Views : 905
Currently trying to have an affair with a friend from my boyhood days....the Corsair!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked10-Apr-08 18:02
Views : 891
This chapter in my modeling career is closed....I loved this build!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked08-Apr-08 20:52
Views : 966
Commander Nicholas Karova (Cow), has arrived. He awaits outside photos also!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked08-Apr-08 20:49
Views : 1007
His hat is here...he must be here somewhere...still trapped in the house with the roofers.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataAerial07-Apr-08 17:58
Views : 1099
No Sun, the elves are still banginng on the roof...12 hr day! Outside photos tamallie!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild07-Apr-08 17:56
Views : 1100
As requested by my mentor....the Rat and I!
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