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John M Oshust | Dumas Kit #1805, Waco ARE | Build | 21-Sep-09 18:24 | | Views : 660 | Waiting for the molecules to set. After this is solid, I will fabircate and attach a wire strut in the rear. Just before the space for the lower wing. |
John M Oshust | Dumas Kit #1805, Waco ARE | Build | 21-Sep-09 18:21 | | Views : 593 | The wire strut will be covered and shaped. The wire should slip from the tube epoxyed to the float. The tube will be covered with an Al mounting plate. |
John M Oshust | Dumas Kit #1805, Waco ARE | Build | 21-Sep-09 16:00 | | Views : 582 | According to my measuring stick, the fuse is centered over flotsam and jetsam. |
John M Oshust | Dumas Kit #1805, Waco ARE | Build | 21-Sep-09 15:59 | | Views : 556 | The floats are forward of the engine as per reference photo. The scrap prop clears the floats. |
John M Oshust | Dumas Kit #1805, Waco ARE | Build | 21-Sep-09 15:57 | | Views : 567 | Starting construction of the float struts. |
John M Oshust | Dumas Kit #1805, Waco ARE | Build | 20-Sep-09 14:11 | | Views : 555 | The dowels have been amputated to give the required width. You can see the Al tubing, a large ferrule, which holds the assembly together. My goal is to fabricate the float mounts as two halfs that slip together and mount onto the fuse. This will make my transport easier. |