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Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataParked06-Apr-08 16:44
Views : 909
Like canines...the Rat introduces herself to the Barrel by sniffing "tail feathers!" THe Barrel leaves for PA and the Rat moves into the den!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild06-Apr-08 14:55
Views : 891
The ventral surface is completed. I await nice weather for final pictures. James I guess the program did not work properly as I do not see what you mentioned!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild06-Apr-08 12:39
Views : 939
The upper surfaces are done. Only some work on the belly remain. Rain here I will have to wait for sun for final photos. Getting a roof on the house dtarting tomorrow. SW...Tomato flowers alreay...incredible!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild05-Apr-08 22:51
Views : 1002
My refence book shows some Rats with berlly bombs....why not...ordinance is a good thing!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild05-Apr-08 22:33
Views : 922
The Rat has painted ailerons....only on the top. Another day of you all putting up with my photos...then the final presentation. Commander Nicholas Karova (Cow in English) is in transit to accept his new ride.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild05-Apr-08 13:59
Views : 979
I guess she only needs her ailerons!
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild05-Apr-08 13:57
Views : 976
Egg spinner and prop finished and glued in place....BTW, it spins!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild05-Apr-08 13:56
Views : 905
The ailerons are sealed and drying. Gun camera and atenna installed.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild04-Apr-08 22:16
Views : 880
To do list...Make and install a gun camera, finish ailerons, antenna, and touch ups. Like poppy has said "Hate to see her finished!"
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild04-Apr-08 22:14
Views : 927
Moos...The Spinner!
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild04-Apr-08 22:12
Views : 932
Markings completed.
John M OshustScratch Built Polikarpov I-16 RataBuild04-Apr-08 20:53
Views : 1004
First fitting of the Rat's ailerons.
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