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Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
Skyediamonds1985Guillows Series 900 - P-51 MustangBuild08-Jun-18 08:43
Views : 897
Skyediamonds1985Guillows Series 900 - P-51 MustangBuild08-Jun-18 08:41
Views : 782
Not exactly a sharp image, but wanted to show that I trimmed away much of the longeron around the cockpit area. It's my intent, to try the "drop box" method of installing the cockpit.
Skyediamonds1985Guillows Series 900 - P-51 MustangBuild08-Jun-18 08:33
Views : 829
The build commences. Finally getting to cut and glue wood. It's been awhile.....
Skyediamonds1985Guillows Series 900 - P-51 MustangReference08-Jun-18 08:32
Views : 853
Another "slight" difference was how the belly scoop faired into the lower fuselage. The Guillow's shows a rather sharp curve ending into the lower belly, whereas the 3-views shows a more modest blending. I'm going with the 3-views. Shouldn't be too hard to handle.... I hope
Skyediamonds1985Guillows Series 900 - P-51 MustangReference08-Jun-18 08:29
Views : 799
As seen from my previous post, the vertical tails are nearly exact in overall dimensions
Skyediamonds1985Guillows Series 900 - P-51 MustangReference08-Jun-18 08:28
Views : 756
Surprisingly, the vertical tails match perfectly...
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
Skyediamonds1985Guillows Series 900 - P-51 MustangReference08-Jun-18 08:27
Views : 753
The differences become more apparent. Since it's my intentions to both infill and over-plank the fuselage, I decided not to enlarge most of the formers. Instead, the planking and the added thickness with compensate for me (or so the theory goes).
Skyediamonds1985Guillows Series 900 - P-51 MustangReference08-Jun-18 08:25
Views : 718
Delving a bit deeper revealed just s slight difference. As will be seen on the next post.
Skyediamonds1985Guillows Series 900 - P-51 MustangReference08-Jun-18 08:24
Views : 721
I enlarged a set of 3-views to scale and was surprised to find that Guillow's fuselage matches the 3-views fairly close
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