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Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
Don CComet North American P51 MustangBuild22-Nov-19 21:02
Views : 421
Don CComet North American P51 MustangBuild20-Nov-19 18:29
Views : 439
Beginning form to mold canopy.
Don CComet North American P51 MustangBuild19-Nov-19 10:30
Views : 530
Test fit. I decided to leave the LG as is. Whoever started tis put a lot of effort into them and deserves to be remembered.
Don CComet North American P51 MustangBuild17-Nov-19 17:51
Views : 369
Made exhaust stacks this afternoon. My eyes are tired.
Don CComet North American P51 MustangReference16-Nov-19 19:00
Views : 347
And an end table rom my parents. Now, other that the ocassional whitetail, it's on with the P-51.
Don CComet North American P51 MustangReference16-Nov-19 18:56
Views : 418
A new scratch box for the one who owns the house.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
Don CComet North American P51 MustangReference16-Nov-19 18:54
Views : 406
Slower progress on the Mustang because of a couple of other projects that have been in the wings. My desk from 1948 refinished.
Don CComet North American P51 MustangBuild16-Nov-19 18:48
Views : 406
All major parts done and covered with silkspan. Whoever began this one did a very nice job on the retracting gear. They work well, but I decided to make them fixed and down. Instaling the 6 fifties in the wings now.
Don CComet North American P51 MustangBuild09-Nov-19 12:54
Views : 454
Wings fixed and fuselage infilled.
Don CComet North American P51 MustangBuild04-Nov-19 20:26
Views : 484
Here's the dark side, DD. Just boughta this old Comet kit. More dust than balsa, but it needed rescue. Nose art will be "The Phoenix".
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