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jgood | GWS Pico Tiger Moth | Build | 25-Jul-09 15:39 |  | Views : 14830 | Quick view showing the new doors (now painted), and the wind screens. Also, note the modification to the cabane struts. These are now held on with bamboo scewers, pushed right through the fuselage. This holds them much better than the stock plastic plate and screw. |
jgood | GWS Pico Tiger Moth | Build | 25-Jul-09 14:12 |  | Views : 14705 | Cutting out some of the excess foam from around the rudder to make cockpit doors. |
jgood | GWS Pico Tiger Moth | Build | 25-Jul-09 13:08 |  | Views : 15061 | This is a useful shot by our dear departed friend BasketCase, showing how to rig the flying wires on a GWS Tiger Moth. Basically, you can start at the 'Start' position, follow the numbers (drill tiny holes in the struts and pass the thread through). You'll need one length of thread per side. I used fishing line, but apparently dental floss also works well. This stiffens the wings up no-end. |
jgood | GWS Pico Tiger Moth | Flying | 06-Apr-06 18:19 |  | Views : 16127 | |
jgood | GWS Pico Tiger Moth | Flying | 06-Apr-05 07:25 |  | Views : 17218 | Floating |
jgood | GWS Pico Tiger Moth | Flying | 29-Mar-05 22:31 |  | Views : 17375 | Flying over Biscayne Bay. |