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Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
heywoooodTodays Hobbies F4-E Phantom IIParked18-Aug-18 10:13
Views : 1076
heywoooodTodays Hobbies F4-E Phantom IIParked18-Aug-18 10:13
Views : 1266
heywoooodTodays Hobbies F4-E Phantom IIParked30-Apr-17 12:07
Views : 1196
more or less what I was going for..
heywoooodTodays Hobbies F4-E Phantom IIParked15-Apr-17 00:11
Views : 1218
interior coskpit paint applied - then the canopy is masked and attached and then the first coat it gets is the interior color so the interior canopy supports are the same color as the interior - I use gunship grey as a substitute for black to simulate sun fade or the 'greying out' of black in the sun over time
heywoooodTodays Hobbies F4-E Phantom IIParked15-Apr-17 00:07
Views : 1230
nose gear using the same method as the mains..I was going to cut out and pocket all the wheel wells but decided against doing the mains because the wings are so thin
heywoooodTodays Hobbies F4-E Phantom IIParked15-Apr-17 00:06
Views : 1287
main LG using aluminium tubing and the included piano wire
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
heywoooodTodays Hobbies F4-E Phantom IIParked15-Apr-17 00:05
Views : 1321
heywoooodTodays Hobbies F4-E Phantom IIParked14-Apr-17 23:56
Views : 1322
I scratchbuilt a fairly basic interior, ejection seats, side panels for both positions, some odd bits n pieces
heywoooodTodays Hobbies F4-E Phantom IIParked14-Apr-17 23:54
Views : 1230
under construction
heywoooodTodays Hobbies F4-E Phantom IIParked14-Apr-17 23:52
Views : 1391
now with those decals applied and the final semi-gloss top coat as well
heywoooodTodays Hobbies F4-E Phantom IIParked14-Apr-17 23:50
Views : 1163
applying top clear coat as prep for the decals
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