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Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #10, Kyushu J7W1 ShindenBuild13-Feb-09 15:58
Views : 1376
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #10, Kyushu J7W1 ShindenFlying13-Feb-09 15:54
Views : 1337
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #10, Kyushu J7W1 ShindenBuild13-Feb-09 15:48
Views : 1375
The Diels Shinden is a very good kit, unfortunately I did not do it justice. I started it while waiting for the Fw 190D-9 which arrived early and I hurried to finish the Shinden in order to start on the D-9.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #10, Kyushu J7W1 ShindenBuild13-Feb-09 15:42
Views : 1458
Recieved the decals from Dave Diels and finally finished the Shinden.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #10, Kyushu J7W1 ShindenBuild04-Feb-09 13:41
Views : 1413
I was able to get in touch with Dave Diels who quickly replace both sets of decals for me.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #10, Kyushu J7W1 ShindenBuild20-Jan-09 22:36
Views : 1364
I am pleased at the airbrushed seperation between upper and lower surfaces. The next step is a coat of Future.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #10, Kyushu J7W1 ShindenBuild20-Jan-09 22:27
Views : 1315
The first coat of Tamiya paint airbrushed on. Upper surfaces are Japanese Navy Green over Japanese Navy Light Gray, both have been lightened with white (20%).
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #10, Kyushu J7W1 ShindenBuild20-Jan-09 00:52
Views : 1418
The air intakes and scoops have been added and the fuselage insides of the intakes and the scoops have been painted black.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #10, Kyushu J7W1 ShindenBuild20-Jan-09 00:43
Views : 1421
I painted interior of the air intakes and scoops black for depth.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #10, Kyushu J7W1 ShindenBuild19-Jan-09 11:03
Views : 1469
Because the Shinden will be hanging from the ceiling I decided not to bother with a cockpit also research was very difficult to find.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #10, Kyushu J7W1 ShindenBuild19-Jan-09 10:54
Views : 1329
Patterns for the wing to fuselage filets were not supplied and it took some cutting, fitting, and trimming to get them in position and then doped. I painted the interior of the air intakes black to provide depth.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #10, Kyushu J7W1 ShindenBuild11-Jan-09 16:55
Views : 1491
The rear engine cowling. I cut out the cooling outets -- a little paint will make a big difference.
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