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Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
lukebozek1Guillows Series 400 - SpitfireParked27-Aug-10 07:51
Views : 1263
Only a nose and a blade or three away
lukebozek1Guillows Series 400 - SpitfireBuild27-Aug-10 07:50
Views : 1309
I did this with an airbrush, which covers a lot of ground in a hurry. If it wasn't for the propellant, the cleaner, the thinners, etc. etc. I like going to Tru-Value and buying some automotive spray from Krylon. Cheaper than Tamiya paints?
lukebozek1Guillows Series 400 - SpitfireParked27-Aug-10 07:48
Views : 1165
Ready for the paint shop, I think except for one more former up front.
lukebozek1Guillows Series 400 - SpitfireBuild27-Aug-10 07:46
Views : 1228
Substantial wing they build them big at Guillows. Sort of like some of the women in Canada, they aren't big, they are women of sunstance. They don't move when the wind blows.
lukebozek1Guillows Series 400 - SpitfireBuild27-Aug-10 07:44
Views : 1186
Fit-up of the pieces all appears well....
lukebozek1Guillows Series 400 - SpitfireBuild27-Aug-10 07:42
Views : 1125
Typical keelson-former design, robust and square
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
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