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Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked21-Jan-18 08:05
Views : 720
RCMP Canada's National Police Force
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked21-Jan-18 08:04
Views : 792
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked21-Jan-18 08:04
Views : 688
RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked21-Sep-17 21:15
Views : 689
Two floats weigh 3 grams total.
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked21-Sep-17 21:14
Views : 679
Good underside view showing the "steps" of the floats.
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked21-Sep-17 21:12
Views : 678
Bottom view of the floats' underside. I think I will use this same Jig setup for installing the fuselage formers.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked21-Sep-17 21:10
Views : 684
Top view straight down the Keel center. It looks pretty straight. No need for a Chiquita banana sticker ...
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked21-Sep-17 21:06
Views : 671
The extra long stringers were then cut to size with a razor saw, while still held secure in the Jig, and THEN the float was removed from the Jig.
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked21-Sep-17 21:03
Views : 698
Extra long stringers are glued onto the float formers with CA glue, while the float is still secure in the jig, and left to dry.
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked20-Sep-17 09:28
Views : 696
All of the float formers are now "double white glued" into place and allowed to dry.
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked20-Sep-17 09:23
Views : 665
The float formers are all notched and sized using a small piece of 1/16" square stringer, and are ready to glue to the open keel sides of the float.
LASTWOODSMANEasy Built FF-62 Fleet CanuckParked20-Sep-17 09:19
Views : 654
All of the crossmember planks are sandwiched snugly on each side of each, finished side float former, and this holds everything very securely, to provide a solid surface, of the open bare side (no formers) of the keels. This setup is extremely handy when gluing down the side formers, and pushing down on them and positioning them. It also provides a very solid base when gluing on the stringers after the formers have dried.
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