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Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
simpleflyerGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerParked09-Oct-08 05:56
Views : 3503
simpleflyerGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerParked09-Oct-08 05:50
Views : 3540
Finished. It amazes me that this model was trapped in that box of Guillows sticks and tissue. Even more amazing is the effort and genius that the Wright brothers expended in producing the original aircraft.
simpleflyerGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild08-Oct-08 00:35
Views : 3477
Attaching the remaining thread bracing. The metal clips are used to keep a bit of tension on the threads while the glue dries. We used Elmers wood glue througout the build of the Wright.
simpleflyerGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild06-Oct-08 18:12
Views : 3277
Structure completed. Remainder of the rigging, carving the second prop and a few small details left to finish.
simpleflyerGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild05-Oct-08 22:22
Views : 3130
Fuselage mated to wings.
simpleflyerGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild04-Oct-08 16:21
Views : 3136
Elevator and rudder assembled. Fuselage frame started. Looks like we will meet our 12-17-08 deadline.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
simpleflyerGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild03-Oct-08 18:16
Views : 2805
Thread wing bracing in place. Elevator and rudder surfaces covered.
simpleflyerGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild02-Oct-08 00:39
Views : 2715
Motor and prop dirve train test fit prior to installation.
simpleflyerGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild30-Sep-08 17:08
Views : 2780
Wing struts glued in place and more small bits built.
simpleflyerGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild30-Sep-08 17:05
Views : 2464
Outdoor project done for now.
simpleflyerGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild20-Sep-08 23:17
Views : 2424
The strut installation in the previous pic is our response to the modification to our fence by Hurricane Ike which passed 30 miles east of here last Sathurday.
simpleflyerGuillows 1903 Wright FlyerBuild20-Sep-08 23:10
Views : 2518
The two light colored posts in the center of the pic are our current strut installation.
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