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pfinnPat's Custom Models Brown B2 Miss LABuild23-May-16 13:45
Views : 828
pfinnPat's Custom Models Brown B2 Miss LABuild23-May-16 13:44
Views : 807
Installed.Needed to add reinforcement to the stringers because the Fairing overlapped the bulkhead.
pfinnPat's Custom Models Brown B2 Miss LABuild23-May-16 13:33
Views : 851
Since the Softener does work on the adhesive in the ply, A heatgun was used to soften up the glue during the forming. During this stage I repeatedly wet the ply with water to help the bend. When the water steams off the part, you know it's hot enough!
pfinnPat's Custom Models Brown B2 Miss LAParked23-May-16 13:28
Views : 810
Left some space between the lashing. Notice my brand new cast! Broke my wrist a week and a half ago. DOH!
pfinnPat's Custom Models Brown B2 Miss LABuild23-May-16 13:26
Views : 864
Canopy Fairing. 1/64" ply soaked in "Super Soft 2" veneer softeneir. This stuff doesn't have any amonia or vinegar in it so it doesn't smelll that bad. Works pretty good too. The form is Bass.
pfinnPat's Custom Models Brown B2 Miss LAReference13-Apr-16 11:28
Views : 908
A bit off key, but, since I lost my original wedding band years back I thought my wifey might like it if I showed a bit of commitment. Made this out of 6al4v Titanium (for the band) and some Macume Gane three layer (silver, copper white gold) for the insert.. The band has undercuts to allow the Macuume Gane to be swedged in. No soldering.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
pfinnPat's Custom Models Brown B2 Miss LABuild20-Feb-16 12:10
Views : 901
Just need to hollow out the back. This is at work by the way. Saturday morning.
pfinnPat's Custom Models Brown B2 Miss LABuild20-Feb-16 12:07
Views : 941
Changed the bit for the larger intake (Harbor Freight has a really nice diamond bit kit).
pfinnPat's Custom Models Brown B2 Miss LABuild20-Feb-16 12:05
Views : 979
I decided to use some diamond points to bore the holes instead of a standard drill bit to keep the glass and balsa from shredding.
pfinnPat's Custom Models Brown B2 Miss LABuild20-Feb-16 12:03
Views : 952
After a quick primer coat(s) the cowl was double stick taped to a bit of MDF and secuured to a mill to bore out some holes.
pfinnPat's Custom Models Brown B2 Miss LABuild20-Feb-16 12:00
Views : 947
Glassed the nose cowl with some very light glass.
pfinnPat's Custom Models Brown B2 Miss LABuild18-Feb-16 18:23
Views : 954
Decided to scallop (?) between the stringers to get uninterrupted lines. Gotta adjust that one. It's the only one I replaced after I broke it during the cowl shaping. Pictures really show stuff!
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