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jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #41, Mitsubishi J2M3 Radien "Jack"Build11-Jun-09 13:48
Views : 1434
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #41, Mitsubishi J2M3 Radien "Jack"Build11-Jun-09 13:46
Views : 1544
Certainly one of the best of the Dave Diels kits.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #41, Mitsubishi J2M3 Radien "Jack"Build11-Jun-09 13:44
Views : 1529
A coat of Dullcoat then added the wing cannons, arial mast and pitot tube and the Raiden is finished.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #41, Mitsubishi J2M3 Radien "Jack"Build09-Jun-09 19:08
Views : 1392
The decals are in place and the next step will be further assembly, the addition of some details and a coat of Dullcoat.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #41, Mitsubishi J2M3 Radien "Jack"Build09-Jun-09 19:03
Views : 1357
With the canopy and the spinner glued in place a coat of Future is sprayed on in order to provide a glossy surface for the decals to adhere to.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #41, Mitsubishi J2M3 Radien "Jack"Build08-Jun-09 15:40
Views : 1310
As soon after spraying the yellow the masking tape (Drafting Tape) is removed. Unforturnately some bits of gray and green pulled up and will have to be touched up. Also a bit if yellow overspray also will have to be touched up with the airbrush.
Hangar Aircraft Category Date Preview
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #41, Mitsubishi J2M3 Radien "Jack"Build08-Jun-09 15:33
Views : 1369
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #41, Mitsubishi J2M3 Radien "Jack"Build08-Jun-09 15:31
Views : 1402
After the masking, the areas to be painted yellow white under coat is sprayed on.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #41, Mitsubishi J2M3 Radien "Jack"Parked07-Jun-09 21:23
Views : 1421
The upper surfaces are painted with Tamiya XF-26 Deep Green Lightened with aprox 20% white. The anti glare on the upper forward surface is Tamiya XF 1 Black. The Orangey/Yellow when applied must have an under coat of white.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #41, Mitsubishi J2M3 Radien "Jack"Build07-Jun-09 21:18
Views : 1401
The under cowling airscoop is added and the lower surfaces are painted with Tamiya XF-75 IJN Gray, heavily lightened with white.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #41, Mitsubishi J2M3 Radien "Jack"Build02-Jun-09 23:34
Views : 1331
The canopy is not glued in place yet.
jerry campbellDave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #41, Mitsubishi J2M3 Radien "Jack"Build02-Jun-09 23:32
Views : 1357
The canopy has been taped and is getting ready for the paint shop as soon as a few more details are added.
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