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edbecky | Guillows Fokker D-VII | Build | 27-Mar-20 13:18 | | Views : 786 | Trial fit. Propeller came out alright but hope to do better on next one. I'm really having fun with this build. |
edbecky | Guillows Fokker D-VII | Build | 27-Mar-20 13:14 | | Views : 794 | Carved missing nose cowl and added grill. Next, my first attempt at a propeller. |
edbecky | Guillows Fokker D-VII | Build | 20-Mar-20 11:20 | | Views : 743 | Carved one rib and all stringers out of scrap. Will need to fabricate a few rudder pieces but all easy stuff. All else good to go. |
edbecky | Guillows Fokker D-VII | Build | 16-Mar-20 19:11 | | Views : 677 | Starting new category for the D7. This one came without Cowl, keels or decals. Made the keels(A1,A2,& A3) Will probably carve the cowl and the decals are nice and square so I'll paint those on. I'm sure more surprises await me. |