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Comet Kit #3506 - Aeronca Chief by deckape. Viewed 892 times.
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deckape30-Jan-13 12:28
F105=D Thud cardmodel scale 1/33 I just finished this one up working on the F3H Demon
peregrin31-Jan-13 17:48
beautiful... and I mean stunningly beautiful rendition of the THUD. so glad I found virtual aerodrome, so much here to learn...
ElbertC01-Feb-13 08:02
deckape, did you print out the model?
deckape01-Feb-13 08:07
Ahoy Nope it came that way in the kit the kit like all cardmodels come in booklet form, there are over a 1000 parts to build this model includeing internal structures and details thanks fellas for your replies I dont build very many jets. Boats
BriandKilby01-Feb-13 08:22
how sturdy are the cardmodels, boats?
ElbertC01-Feb-13 09:52
Okay, I understand. I have one or two of then. Never got the guts to start one. Did a lot of Fiddlers Green models but I guess I just like to look at the kits and dream.
peregrin01-Feb-13 16:09
I just can't imagine I could build one of these without my big gluey fingerprints all over the printed finish. but there's gotta be a way!-- seeing Boats's cardmodels is a revelation like when I saw my first Shep Payne diorama in a Monogram kit...
David Duckett01-Feb-13 17:05
There are a couple of websites devoted to building card models. Boats can help with a link.
deckape01-Feb-13 20:24
Ahoy fellas Thank you very much all of you for your replies Thank Dave for your repliy I know your no stranger to the Thud with you being in the Airforce I salute you.. As to the strength of these models they are very strong and you dont have to worry about breakage if they get droppedd. they are exceptionaly strong I always airbrush on 2 to 3 coats of Areo gloss dope it seals the paper and makes it strong card modeling is quite different then plastic or wood one slip of the No.11 blade and you will run in to trouble if you have a cd rom of the kit you can always go back and print another but when you buy the kits in booklet form its a different story... Card models were popular here in America until the event of plastic and wood and thye phased out of the modeling sceen, they remain very popular in Europe and other countries and still is the mainstay of modeling If you need to getr any ifo on card models go to you will see all of my builds i have posted there here you will get an idea how these things are constructed, Thank you guys your the best you guys build the best models i have sceen in any other forum. Boats
Dale141601-Feb-13 21:46
Thanks for the info on card models. Your examples are awesome !
BriandKilby02-Feb-13 10:05
hi boats, it's possible to airbrush dope without it clogging up?
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