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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 841 times.
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John M Oshust30-Mar-08 21:46
Very happy now, to think a few days past, she was kindling! NEVER give up!
sweetwillie30-Mar-08 21:50
John M Oshust30-Mar-08 21:52
Sw...Thanks but I almost screwed this stage up also!
John M Oshust30-Mar-08 23:18
A grey and white Holstein Cow plane...the effect I wanted, I guess it worked!
wingspanner31-Mar-08 03:16
John, this is an absolute beauty.I'm sure if you produced a smaller version kit for this one you would clean up in the free flight market. I would certainly buy one....
RodN31-Mar-08 04:24
Very nice John.
JohnG.31-Mar-08 09:14
What a great job.....and to think you nearly trashed it!!! Super John, just SUPER!!!
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