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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 955 times.
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John M Oshust31-Mar-08 16:18
Look what arrived today. The sucessor to the Rat. The cowl would have fit the rat...but the can of peas is a bit too large.
John M Oshust31-Mar-08 16:23
This bird has traveled quite a bit. Texas to Arizona and now New Jersey. A mere 60 inch span. This may get the flight teatment if the gas engine is concealed. I guess I know what I will be building from now until August. My firs American War Bird! Always one of my favorites. Black Sheep Squadron. It huge, the Gee Bee will have to wait! I am pumped for this one! I'll have to use a 3 inch brush!
SteveM31-Mar-08 16:27
Let's see some of that wood!
moostang5131-Mar-08 16:59
Just read the manual for this kit (actually Gold edition) on Tower Hobbies website. You said August, but not the year. Good luck and enjoy this one. BTW, definitely it is meant to fly so go for it.
SteveM31-Mar-08 17:19
This must be the smaller 1/7 scale and not the 1/5 scale monster. It looks like you can get accessories such as a cockpit interior and dummy engine to cover up the gas engine. But I don't know why you would pay $10 for a plastic radial engine!
JohnG.31-Mar-08 18:08
WOOOWIIEEEE. This bugger really gets it. We ALL can't wait see the progress pictres in this one!!!!
John M Oshust31-Mar-08 18:14
Is this model still made? Are parts available/ Wood photos forth coming!
sweetwillie31-Mar-08 18:25
And I thought the Rat was big. You can tow the Rat behind it. and still have plenty of power to hang it on the prop. The corsair has always been one of my favorite birds. It was the first real aircraft that I started the engine on, I was 18yrs old and that prop was huge, I'll never forget the fear that I felt in my gut when that monster kicked over and I felt the blast from the prop in my face. I thought I was going to die. But I soon got over it, and settled back in the seat and gunned the throttle, and imagined I was flying it. What memories!!!
SteveM31-Mar-08 19:32
Since this kit is from 1986 it is the older kit, but the info on the "revised" version is available from Top Flight. They also sell replacement parts and you can buy the cockpit and engine from Tower Hobbies. You might also want to look into the "upgrade kit" mentioned in tech note #1 to bring the kit up to the revised version so you can put in the cockpit.
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