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Guillows Series 400 - Spitfire by Xanadu. Viewed 1317 times.
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Xanadu20-Jan-09 23:43
The tiles are 7" squares you can use as a size referance.
Luke War21-Jan-09 16:08
Looks like you're going to need lots of wood!
John M Oshust21-Jan-09 16:30
Me thinks you are going to be milling a lot of lumber!
moostang5121-Jan-09 17:07
What exactly is the price of contest grade balsa up in Manitoba, hmmm? Good luck. I would foresee one dilemna being the thickness of the stab and rudder because the blowup for the wing formers would already be taken into acct with the enlargement. BTW, what is the new blow up scale equivalent to now? My Top Flite Spit is 1/7, this seems a little larger.
Xanadu12-Feb-09 20:55
Never saw your questions before, sorry, I was not ignoring you though! You would be surprised how little wood it actually took so far. I am! Built out of plywood for the first one, I did not want to potentially waste expensive balsa. The plywood is leftovers from the shop where I work, so its all been a freebie. It is 1/6th scale............
Xanadu12-Feb-09 21:02
The stab and rudder are basically only 1/4" thick, but when I build a balsa one, I will make it properly.
Xanadu12-Feb-09 21:02
Wait until you see the prop I will carve!
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