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Guillows Series 800 - Mosquito by Roring40. Viewed 1116 times.
Build Thread

Image Comments |
Roring40 | 11-Oct-11 00:24 | A very basic and out of scale cockpit setup but then again it will have a canopy covering it so who cares. |
poppy | 11-Oct-11 08:34 | It looks great! I like the hinges for the entrance door. Fine attention to little details. |
frwyflyer | 11-Oct-11 16:49 | That door detail really is NICE!! |
moostang51 | 11-Oct-11 18:06 | Really nice job there. The radio and wiring is a great touch. When I added mine to the P-39, it really fills in the cockpit/canopy area. Little things like that and the hinges are what set this are off. Nice shade of green might I add. |
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