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Guillows Series 200 - SE5a by Skyediamonds1985. Viewed 893 times.
Build Thread

Image Comments |
Skyediamonds1985 | 04-Sep-16 17:51 | However, when viewed from an angle, the louvers are very prominent. I could've arranged the louvers to cant downward to visually bring them out. Since this model will be given to my daughter, I have no idea where she'll be displaying it. So, decided a neutral position would be best. |
biplane guy | 06-Sep-16 13:20 | Gary, will the louvers open and close, or is life too short? I have no doubt you could find a way. : ) |
Anders | 06-Sep-16 21:04 | My understanding is that they will not, placed in this position to make the best apperance in any psition the aircraft is hanged/placed for final display.
And i agree that he would be able to make them open and close. and to you sky, i understand it like this; you found the vintage aviator website. but if you do not have an facebook account id urge you to get one, i follow a number of millitary sites and aircraft sites there. NO need for time consuming games or catching up with long lost friends. Today i asked the vintage aviator group for details on their Sopwith pup, and whitin the minute i had newly taken pics of the details needed. I can ask them for any details if you want, no problem. but i think you get my point. and btw i got the name i used for my se5a cowering wrong the other day, i used the fabric kind of cowering you used and found it interesting to work with. |
Skyediamonds1985 | 10-Sep-16 13:26 | Guys, sorry for the delay in responding to all of your marvelous inputs. DD was especially helpful in posting the two photos: 1) of the Vintage Aviator's S.E. 5's radiator louvers in the neutral position and 2) for the Eduard photo-etching. I used to have a Facebook account many years ago, and I might renew this account. I also had to keep in mind that this model is only a small 1/15th scale (or less) Guillow's stick-n-tissue model. Despite all of the intense detailing, the very nature of this kit mandates a limit as to how much can I accomplish with basic household items such as scissors, tweezers, small pliers and small hammer. To Anders, I'm glad you found Solartex more agreeable. It's heavier than the silkspan for those who are interested in flying their models, but I was seeking a more detailed look. I sincerely thank you for your input on Vintage Aviator and will try to catch up following this route. Thank you all. |
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