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Scratch Built Fokker D.VIII by reuben199. Viewed 702 times.
Build Thread
Image Comments |
reuben199 | 02-Jul-09 00:28 | The start of detailing the motor. If anyone has any tips I would be greatfull. |
Roring40 | 02-Jul-09 15:13 | Reuben, here's a website that contains outstanding pictures of a Le Rhone engine (presuming this is what your Fokker used). Using this picture I just chopped up some shaped wood to make exhaust manifolds, plastic spru circles tied together with wire for the cam gear, copper pipe beaten and shaped for the main pipes (since added to my engine, some bits out of printer cable connector for extra detail, cut electrical wiring into circles for engine bolts and used copius amounts of superglue, paint and cursing to stitich it together to make it look representative. Here's the site : |
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