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Eureka Boeing B-29 by poppy. Viewed 1701 times.
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poppy20-Nov-09 18:10
poppy20-Nov-09 18:24
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the following for their contribution to this build; Simpleflyer(Al Locker) for providing me with the magnificent 1950's vintage kit, Frwyflyer(Ted Richards) for the expertly formed canopy and nose cone, Phil Finn for the master crafted prop hubs and boss, David Duckett for the beautifully carved & painted prop blades, John Ohust for the nice engine pic, and my wife for the fuselage blisters and infinite patience. Without their help this build would not have been complete.
John M Oshust20-Nov-09 18:50
A wonderful, magnificent work of art. You did her up fine!
pfinn20-Nov-09 19:36
It was a great privalage for me to be a little part of this awsome build. This is by and far one of the most grand projects that I've had the pleasure to witness from the start to end. Phil
BillParker20-Nov-09 20:53
Poppy, truly a museum piece. Will you hang it (your ceiling) or donate it? (CAF Museum Midland mayhaps?)
frwyflyer20-Nov-09 20:58
I will echo Phil's statement that it also was my pleasure to assist in a very small way. Ted
Roring4020-Nov-09 21:29
Superlatives don't do it justice - well done.
RodN21-Nov-09 01:57
A real beauty Poppy!!! The detail is awesome even down to the radio masts. Hats off indeed!
jgood21-Nov-09 11:20
Stunning, Poppy. I love the details you've added, the exhausts, masts, gear, etc. So good!
David Duckett21-Nov-09 12:29
I am truly honored to be a part of this magnificent model, I simply can't imagine it being built better. This is in the same rarified area as that from which the B-29 gets its name, the Stratosphere. I know it's a bomber but this has an elegant look and finish similar to a brand new 777. A superb accomplishment and a simply stunning model.
David Duckett21-Nov-09 12:39
It's the same area that causes old folks to refer to planes by the incorrect name.....SUPERfortress!!
poppy21-Nov-09 13:05
Thanks for all the kind remarks.
Barnstormer21-Nov-09 19:10
I am a little late to make my remarks, but, you have done a magnificant job poppy. You never cease to amaze me.
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