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Dumas Kit #503, Boeing AV 8B Harrier by David Duckett. Viewed 797 times.
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David Duckett30-Dec-09 20:20
Canopy installed
jgood30-Dec-09 21:58
There we go! Look at that. Stunning!
jimbothehotdog30-Dec-09 23:05
David, (or Dave do you have a preference? My name is also David but I prefer Dave) any way... You certainly are a talented man... are you a pilot? I just get the feeling you are. Will she get the small stabilizing wheels near the wing tips?
David Duckett31-Dec-09 07:22
Thank you. I'm not a pilot and have no desire to be. I can't even handle a Ferris Wheel. I do like to fly but only on commercial planes. The outrigger wheels will be the last things added. I prefer David and am suspicious when someone calls me Mister but these days I don't mind. I was always taught to respect my elders and twenty years in the Air Force sorta nailed it in. One of my friends will always be Colonel Baird to me although he also prefers David.
frwyflyer31-Dec-09 08:07
NICE! NICE! NICE!!Very clean
jimbothehotdog31-Dec-09 09:08
Ahhh... Air Force! I was kinda close. I am now 47 and lately seem to get called Mister and Sir a lot.. it is a little disturbing. Eager to see the finished piece, The Harrier is one of my favorites. It was the very first plastic aircraft kit I built years and years ago.
wingspanner31-Dec-09 09:09
Exceptional work as always David. You need to do us a how to on painting. Every time i hand paint with acrylics I get shiny and dull areas in the same paint
jimbothehotdog31-Dec-09 09:16
I think that comes from the brush getting dry and then you don't get an even flow. There used to be a clear additive/retarder available to slow down drying time and it helped the paint flow. Sorry no product names come to mind. It's been a while.
David Duckett31-Dec-09 09:34
I would suspect surface preparation but certainly the flow of paint is what makes it work. Liquitex makes a retarder, and several other products, to manipulate the paint but I prefer to use just water. I plan to paint the Thud in the camo colors used in Viet Nam and on my F-100 and that will allow a "paint and tell".
wingspanner31-Dec-09 10:47
Great Thanks David.
TJH31-Dec-09 10:51
Outstanding as usual, David. Happy New Year!
John M Oshust31-Dec-09 15:44
Just returned in time to see this work of art. Great as usual!
Xanadu31-Dec-09 18:37
I am now 48, and what really got me one day was when at work I was referred to as "the old guy" in the corner office....I never realized until then, that I was in fact the oldest guy in the office! Only the receptionist is older than I, and only by a year. Heck, my manager is 10 years younger than me. acckkkkk........ Mr and Sir just does not quite feel right when I am called that, but I am grateful that those few whom do say that, grew up with that respect in them.
hjlittman31-Dec-09 19:05
Beaiutiful! Has the look of a factory display model.
Roring4001-Jan-10 13:24
Faultess craftmanship - a pleasure to view. Well done.
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