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Comet North American P51 Mustang by Don C. Viewed 501 times.
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Don C22-Dec-19 18:05
Getting there. Dang lightning bolt took 3 tries and all afternoon. Minnesota ANG ca. 1950. Hence the maroon and gold. I remember tese guys practicing, I guess aerial combat, when I was in 1st or 2nd grade.
rayl24-Dec-19 12:34
Damn fine build!! Merry Christmas to all on the VA!!
Don C24-Dec-19 14:15
Thanks Ray. And Merry Christmas to everyone too. Thanks for a good year, inspiration and guidance. Looking forward to what's coming next year.
bsadonkill24-Dec-19 17:42
Loos good, nice job on the homemade canopy.
heywooood25-Dec-19 12:14
Nice work on this ANG Mustang, Don - the bolt looks just right
BriandKilby25-Dec-19 16:37
have a rolls Royce Christmas don!
Don C26-Dec-19 12:03
Thank you. I have to make 1 more jag up into the canopy where it splits from the windshield. Cross you fingers for me. :)
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