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GWS FW-190 by BriandKilby. Viewed 731 times.
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BriandKilby22-Aug-10 08:29
i got this gws fw 190 from tower, the next time i looked at the site it wass discontinued. i've built it up to the motor mount. does anybody have any experience with these models? if possibel i'd like to finish it without major expenses. thankyou
FLYBOYZ22-Aug-10 08:57
I done the mustang had the old nimi battery pack tailed stalled spun her in.Just not enough power to pull up something to think about.Saw this one flying on youtube even had a small vedio camer in the cotpit it was cool!Looked like you was satting in the real thing making a scraffing run across the air feild.But I think a small lipo pack would be needed for power make sure your voltage sorce match up or you will fry the can motor.Iuse a 7.4v on the tiger moth it cause for 7.2v but it works fine nothing gets hot and it just does have enough power using a 15amp esc speed control this should be very reasonbale in cost
BriandKilby22-Aug-10 14:35
i'm going to take the corsair out tomorrow and give it another try, i brought a variety of wheels to try incase i need them, i also mowed the runway down as short as i could, but it rained today, so we'll see. thanks fly for the info, we'll see how that goes with the other plane.
FLYBOYZ22-Aug-10 17:04
The eflight corsair should fly like a draem wish I was there to help out.You will have to hold back on the elveartor stick to keepit from nosing over I fly from a grass feild.But don,t worrie about stalling its got plenty of power.You will have plenty of time to level off!When you do level off and have altidue make slow turns with full power untill you get use to it climb up high cut the throtle and get a fell for its glide ratio its a good glider.Not try to tell you what to do just keep it calm and sthrait on your first flight.Oh its very capble of arobatics and inverted flight do this way later this brid is fast too
BriandKilby23-Aug-10 07:10
where do you live fly?
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