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GWS FW-190 by BriandKilby. Viewed 643 times.
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BriandKilby20-Oct-10 17:19
ready for engine and radio equipment,
BriandKilby25-Oct-10 14:20
i got this big 39" wingspan plane that i tried to airbrush. i only brushed the cockpit, battery conpartment, and underneath the fuselage, when i went to clean up i had the hardest time getting the acrylic paint off. is there any advice for brushing acrylic paint for large area's that don't end up like this?
Creosotewind26-Oct-10 09:41
I've airbrushed using tube acrylics on many occasions. It looks like your paint might be too thick and not enough air pressure from the compressor. Try thinning the paint a bit more. Acrylic can be a pain to clean from the airbrush, but you can soften it by soaking the parts in an alcohol based solvent like Windex. I still sometimes have to pick out some paint using a needle.
BriandKilby26-Oct-10 15:07
thankyou creo, i'll give that a try, maybe we will perservere
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