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Scratch Built Vultee BT-13 by Don C. Viewed 366 times.
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Don C29-Jan-21 11:08
And done. A couple of applications of spackle and then grey auto filler/primer. after each coat sanded with 320 until wood starts to show through and then another coat. Took about 4 coats to get rid of imperfections.
edtherenderman29-Jan-21 12:58
Very Nice!
BriandKilby29-Jan-21 13:49
good show, don!
bobgood29-Jan-21 22:29
What a transformation from the early pics of that wing assembly Don - very well done.
edbecky30-Jan-21 09:53
Yes, really looks good.
Don C30-Jan-21 12:47
Thanks. They're glued together and next is to fit them to the fuse.
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