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Scratch Built Gee Bee Model "Y" by Huey V77. Viewed 496 times.
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Huey V7722-Mar-17 11:00
rgood22-Mar-17 11:01
Excellent covering too......
LASTWOODSMAN22-Mar-17 19:39
Looks pristine and glistening to me Huey.
LASTWOODSMAN22-Mar-17 20:41
Huey, for the root fairing fillet, I did it the hard way. I first glued in a balsa fillet root fairing made from a long piece of soft balsa, and I carved it and sanded it out into a long piece of triangular cross-section, which narrowed to a point at the tips, with the curvature of the fuse, and the curvature of the upper wing, matching the two mating sides of the triangular cross-section. I then glued this balsa fillet backing in place first, and then trimmed up some brown file folder card stock to fit as a surface cover for the fillet, and then glued this cardstock surface cover to the balsa fillet backing root fairing. It is a little long, but it is solid to glue cardstock to.
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