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Scratch Built Loening OL-8 Amphibian by rayl. Viewed 538 times.
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rayl04-Jan-16 13:29
The reason that I haven't been posting posting any build pictures, other that Life getting in the way, is that I have been trying to decide how to duplicate the wheel wells on the Leoning.
Skyediamonds198504-Jan-16 17:38
Rayl, first off, just wanted to say that I admire your willingness to tackle such an unusual and challenging project. Not many modelers out there in your league. I've been quietly following your posts and it looks as though you've mastered the wheel well very nicely. I too, hope to build a Loening amphibian ( the OA-1A version, the one pictured here on your post). When I was visiting the Museum of the US Air Force, took lotsa pictures of this unique biplane myself so we're on the same page. It looks as though you've done masterful job.!! I sincerely wish you good luck and I'll continue to follow your progress. -Sky
rayl04-Jan-16 22:06
Thanks, Sky.
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