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Dave Diels Engineering, Inc Kit #22. Dornier Do 335 PFEIL (ARROW) by BriandKilby. Viewed 2011 times.
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BriandKilby09-May-12 17:09
my air armada.
deckape09-May-12 17:35
Man what kind of air traffic controll do you have here, Looks like my collection runnjing into each other Looking great Briand. boats
Dale141609-May-12 19:07
You must have about 30 different tissue-balsa models in your hanger.
Xanadu09-May-12 20:22
Evena couple of flying fish!
TJH09-May-12 20:51
I have to connect in Chicago tomorrow afternoon; I hope the traffic isn't like this! If it is, seeing these birds would be cool!
lukebozek110-May-12 02:13
I see that you built the Sturmovik. I am working on this, Golden Age Reproductions. Which DR-1 kit is that?
jgood10-May-12 04:17
When did you last press your trousers, Brian? :) Luke, here's Brian's hangar : The DR.1 is at the bottom, it's a Guillows kit, apparently.
BriandKilby10-May-12 06:32
the maid had the day off, james. thanks for the the kind comments everyone.
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