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Scratch Built Vultee BT-13 by Don C. Viewed 502 times.
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Don C11-Dec-20 18:41
Getting ready for next build. My uncle's basic trainer. I looked at Poppy's version. I've definitely got my work cut out for me. I hope it turns out half as well.
David Duckett22-Feb-22 06:27
Don C. has suffered another stroke and was in hospital for over a month, getting out on the 11th. He has lost control of his right arm and leg so modeling is on hold. He is recovering but it will require some time. Best wishes, Good Buddy!!
edtherenderman22-Feb-22 08:52
Don C, get well soon! we need you back here modeling with us! --DD thanks for the update!
edbecky22-Feb-22 09:32
Best prayers and wishes Don.
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