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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 685 times.
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John M Oshust13-Mar-08 18:09
Here is were the project!
RodN13-Mar-08 18:19
Nice metalwork John. The U/C looks very well detailed.
John M Oshust13-Mar-08 18:28
UC...I am not has a long way to go!
RodN13-Mar-08 18:59
Sorry John, undercarriage.
John M Oshust13-Mar-08 19:44
RodN...Thought UC meant LG but was not sure. Moose.... Al stock is rising up further. Stronger and thinner than balsa or bass and almost equal in mass!
Creosotewind18-Mar-08 17:43
John, are you using flashing for your aluminum? I just found what is called "tooling aluminum" at an art supply store. I believe it is a softer aluminum for embossing. I've been playing with it and it is very flexible. The cool/odd thing about aluminum is that the more you work it, the harder it becomes. I don't know how many times you can anneal it before it gives way. Great model you have here.
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