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Guillows Series 200 - DH4 by Dfell. Viewed 447 times.
Build Thread
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Dfell10-Jun-21 09:21
Oh what a tangled web we weave...... rigging complete at rear using black thread as instructions.
edtherenderman10-Jun-21 09:26
Nice rigging! This is always a challenge!
Dfell10-Jun-21 09:48
Thank you edtherenderman - think doing the rigging around the wing struts will be difficult. Not looking forward to it. Also thanks to all the others who have kindly commented on previous uploads of this build - Brian, NATOMike, bsadonkill, Don C .....
Don C10-Jun-21 11:40
That's great. They really set it up for good leverage on the tail control surfaces.
bsadonkill10-Jun-21 17:53
NICE JOB! Are the round wire guides some type of needle?
Dfell10-Jun-21 20:52
Hello bsadonkill - used eyelets from my model ship building.
Don C11-Jun-21 11:41
I've used "No Knot" eyelets which are for fly fishing line.
NATOMike12-Jun-21 11:41
NATOMike12-Jun-21 13:22
NATOMike12-Jun-21 13:27
Dfell--how do you get the skin so smooth, very impressive and you are clearly on a different level than me, but are you using a filler (sanded down) or is the "skin" stretch taunt? I can clearly see the Balsa wood fibres/tissue paper on the front face of the stabiliser, but not on the fuselage. This is very nice workmanship, well done!
Dfell13-Jun-21 01:58
Hello NATOMike - if you go through on the ‘Build Thread’ you will see the main body is infilled with balsa wood which I learnt to do from this site. It is then covered with a 2 pack body (car) fine filler. Then sanded. Hope that helps you. Regards Doug
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