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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 711 times.
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John M Oshust01-Mar-08 19:21
I realized that between planes I MUST build a model radial. A model this size is a joy to work with...pipes wires etc.
SteveM01-Mar-08 20:01
That micro-fill jar really puts in perspective the size of the rat. I just keep looking at my jar on my self then back at this picture.
John M Oshust01-Mar-08 20:34
I am glad that you can appreciates the size of the Rat. March begins and it marks the anniversay of my first build since attempts as a kid. I started the Camel a year ago...the rat is # 6!
sweetwillie01-Mar-08 20:57
Congratulations! One year and 6 planes, that's quite an accomplishment. The Rat sure is shaping up to your usual high standards.
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