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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by John M Oshust. Viewed 669 times.
Build Thread

Image Comments |
John M Oshust | 19-Mar-08 13:03 | The Rat is getting there. While the primer on the fuse dries I will address the feathers. |
wingspanner | 19-Mar-08 13:28 | What do you use for primer? |
John M Oshust | 19-Mar-08 14:19 | Spray sandable primer from home depot....made by rustolem I believe. |
poppy | 19-Mar-08 19:06 | This sucker's gonaa be damn near as big as the real one. Lookin' good. |
John M Oshust | 19-Mar-08 19:10 | My future building plans have all been changed. Except for the vacation kit Gee Bee "Z". All other builds must be scaled down a bit. Unless I start something 3/4 scale at the cabin in PA! I always wanted to build a large plane. In fact I have a good friend that wants to be in partner on a full scale Camel. I have found a lit , with engine for a resonable price! |
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