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Scratch Built Percival Q6 by bobgood. Viewed 647 times.
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bobgood24-May-21 17:55
A few days off to visit James and co. in Nevada City.....
edtherenderman25-May-21 08:01
This sure is coming together quickly. Looking great!
BriandKilby25-May-21 08:25
i don't know if i told you this bob, but my brother lives in reno.
Don C25-May-21 10:05
That's going to be nice.
edbecky25-May-21 10:09
Yes it is, and I like the way it's being built.
bobgood25-May-21 12:37
...it's no light-weight, I'm enjoying the head scratching.
BriandKilby26-May-21 10:44
interesting bob! is it a military transport?
kenm9459127-May-21 03:20
Very impressive.
heywooood29-May-21 00:35
This model is really shaping up to be special. I love the uncommon airplane types we get to see being built up here. Despite the head scratching you appear to be making great strides Bob
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