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Midwest Products Aero-Star .40 by SteveM. Viewed 680 times.
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SteveM30-Jul-08 12:43
I have heard of full sized aircraft hitting deer on the runway, but this morning was my first encounter nearly hitting one with a model airplane on a runway only 100' long!
SteveM30-Jul-08 12:48
I was doing touch and goes in the Aero-Star (after stalling and knocking the wing off the Tyro) when the lead doe attempted to cross the upwind end of the runway. I was standing on the downwind end so as to best view my approaches and they came up from behind so neither of us was away of what the other was doing. I made a lovely touch near the middle up the runway and powered back up when I saw a ball of brown fur darting off of the runway. I landed and turned around and there they were standing in a line so I took some photos.
Creosotewind31-Jul-08 10:13
Amazing photos. It just goes to show that chicks did pilots.
poppy31-Jul-08 10:50
Great pic!
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