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Scratch Built Douglas F4D Skyray by Don C. Viewed 809 times.
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Don C22-Aug-20 13:44
I need a bit of help for the next build. It's going to be aa PT-19, my uncle's basic trainer. This picture is 1944. I think the plane is unpainted aluminum. What do you think?
Creosotewind23-Aug-20 14:40
Air Corp planes were painted with an aluminum lacquer to protect the aluminum metal. However being 1944, the plane may have been painted an overall chrome yellow so it could be better seen from a distance. That's why the trainer planes were nicknamed "Yellow Peril" because of their color and the novice pilots within. Looking forward to seeing the build.
Don C23-Aug-20 16:15
Thanks. That's the only picture I have. I've asked my cousins if they have anything and am waiting.
Creosotewind24-Aug-20 18:20
Do you know where he got his flight training? That may help with the color scheme.
Don C25-Aug-20 14:51
Blackland Air Base, now Waco Municipal. It was an advanced training base for 2 motor. He flew a C-46. The second trainer was a Vultee BT-13. I don't know which trainer he used for twin engine.
Don C25-Aug-20 15:25
Creosotewind: They used Beech AT-10s and Cessna AT-17s as near as I can find. Hopefully one of my cousins will have a picture. I haven't found any color pictures - yet.
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