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Scratch Built Fairchild PT-19 by Don C. Viewed 548 times.
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Don C08-Sep-20 15:46
Right wing done, left started. I doubled the ribs for a more scale look.
edbecky08-Sep-20 16:57
I like it.
Don C16-Sep-20 14:34
Thanks Ed. And - after lots, really, lots of searching, I finally found out that everything except the fuselage sides and control surfaces are plywood covered. The pre war colors were the blue and yellow. Those manufactured after )ct. 30, 1942 were all silver. Since my uncle flew them in '43, I'll go with silver.
BriandKilby16-Sep-20 15:57
looks good don, are you going to cover it with plywood? lol.
Creosotewind16-Sep-20 17:13
Glad to see you found your answer for the color. Looking forward to seeing this one.
Don C17-Sep-20 13:15
Thanks and Brian, I did buy some 3ply 1/32 or /164 birch plywoood, but decided to go with 1/32 balsa.
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