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Comet Douglas A-26 Invader by David Duckett. Viewed 1047 times.
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David Duckett18-Jun-08 18:45
Cut & paste. Then carefully trim away the excess and sand.
Heinrich Dorfmann19-Jun-08 13:11
I remember that Ed T. Packard called this method of filling a "corrugated surface". Sometime I have to build one of his plans I still have. I shyed away from it because they are really high effort to build.
David Duckett24-May-10 16:00
For Brian: After sanding, apply a coat of filler and let dry. Then sand it smooth and apply another coat and sand it smooth and that should make it as smooth as a baby' s butt. Also check nearly any build thread in my hanger.
BriandKilby25-May-10 02:00
thanks david, your a big help!
David Duckett27-Dec-10 05:51
For RTD89
moostang5128-Dec-10 14:50
Howdy boys, just checking in. I think one should mention that when "filling in/planking", if you use CA to glue up, remember that it dries very hard and sanding can be a problem as too much balsa may be removed while shaping. I've used Testor's Wood Cement and Titebond wood glue and found it to be much better to remove the overage when sanding and shaping. Just chiming in and see you all again soon. Keep up the great builds and Happy Holidays.
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