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Berkeley North American AJ-2 Savage by David Duckett. Viewed 752 times.
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David Duckett13-Feb-08 06:53
Jedi13-Feb-08 07:42
Wow...what a cool looking bird. David your planes always look like there carved out of a solid balsa block, just so smooth......very cool. Im looking forward to seeing what your going to do for the paint job on this.
jgood13-Feb-08 09:48
I'm not sure what Patches is up to here, but the Savage looks really good. Interesting to see this method of construction.
David Duckett13-Feb-08 10:32
Patches is in his normal mode after breakfast, sleeping. This type of construction is new to me, as well. Berkeley made many different kinds of kits and I would guess this would have been right up there. Once sanded and filled the pre carved blocks prove to be superior wood. I made the tail feathers solid and have added $3.50 in quarters encased in filler to the front to insure it will sit level. For comparison: check out the Fairchild 24 in my hanger which is also a Berkeley kit, and one of my most favorite models.
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