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Comet Douglas A-26 Invader by lukebozek1. Viewed 1267 times.
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lukebozek118-Apr-11 19:58
that wing is a perfect fit into the grooved interior section of the fuselage.
deckape18-Apr-11 20:17
Luke she is looking great I had one of these many many years ago it builds into a very good kit when done alot can be added to these old 25 cent wonders of the past, she is looking fine Boats
lukebozek118-Apr-11 20:21
I don't remember this at 25 cents, but I do remember my Dad picking up a kit for 25 cents and leaving me to work with a dull 2 inch pearl handled jack-knife and plastic cement. And I did finish one that actually looked like a plane. I believe this kit went for about $6.50. I have a couple catalogs somewhere. I do like the overall design, the wing to fuselage joint is sort of a comet trademark and it's really solid. Perfect dihedral too.
deckape18-Apr-11 20:34
Luke I first got this kit in 1954 I bought it a cozy,s hobby shop I paid 25cent for mine the boxtop was a lot different then the comet kits are today It had a kid like me stuck in a hole in the guarge with a bottle of coke and an apple, When I first started building these stick and tissue jobs my dad had a car garage and he built me a special pl;ace for me to build my models I tried it in the house but after applying the dope the house was over whelmed with banana oil fumes My mom said you and those planes got go somewhere else so i ended up in trhe gargae that was my domaine my world and I think back then I had some wonderfull times. Boats
flash5219-Apr-11 01:14
flash5219-Apr-11 01:25
looking real good. I built one in 1971. Are you going to fly it?
flash5219-Apr-11 01:35
BriandKilby19-Apr-11 09:17
good work!, my favorite attack plane of wwII.
lukebozek119-Apr-11 14:16
Flying a plane is not as easy as building one. I am working on a flyer, which I look at as a disposable item. My wife really likes these because there is a high probability that they will never return to that spot above the entertainment enclosure. This would not be my idea of a flyer. In real life they had some issues in the Pacific theatre. Better in Europe. I might do this up like one of the aftermarket A 26's done by this private contaractor with wing pods and camo.
BriandKilby23-Jul-11 09:34
did you finish your a-26?, lukebozek1, it's another attack plane that intriques me. i haven't built a comet kit, yet, but maybe i'll settle for this one.
lukebozek123-Jul-11 16:39
I have substantially beefed up the wings and she is looking decent, but I had to get away from it and do a plane for a great guy from Michigan, and IL-2. Which pains me greatly. I have three uncles buried at Katyn.
BriandKilby23-Jul-11 16:52
sorry to hear that.
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