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Guillows Series 800 - Sopwith Camel by LoganB. Viewed 738 times.
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LoganB27-Apr-09 21:04
top view
Steve_in_NH27-Apr-09 21:51
Nice job so far. After just finishing this biord I'm anxious to follow the rest of your build. I'm always looking to learn some thing new. I'm 60 and have no problem learning for anyone of any age. Check out my Camel. I just finished it last week. Not too happy with the rigging but most everything was OK for my second plane. Just started the P-47 this weekend.
LoganB28-Apr-09 00:41
thanks, this is probably my 10 guillow model, ive built but ive only finished 2 of them, your skills definately get better as you go, if you dont like something you did on your last model you can do it diffently on your next. i only do guillows once in awhile but i build big gas rc planes. ill post pics of my 10 foot, 60cc pawnee that im building now if anybody wants to see it. good luck on your thunderbolt steve. logan
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