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Scratch Built Polikarpov I-16 Rata by wingspanner. Viewed 1741 times.
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wingspanner28-Mar-10 03:15
"Rat" is finished. I've been waiting for some sun to take some pictures. I've held back on the detailing cos she's a flyer. I'm already overweight so i don't want to increase it.
pakasit181228-Mar-10 04:18
This is a fine art!!! What is her wing-span and ready to fly weight?
jgood28-Mar-10 05:44
Colour scheme looks great, Tony. Did you come up with this yourself, or is it an actual one. Either way, it looks good!
poppy28-Mar-10 05:48
It looks great! I like the shading.
wingspanner28-Mar-10 07:01
Shes 31" and 27oz. 5 oz overweight. Had to put a load of weight in the front to get the cg correct. Even with the lipo just behind the prop! It's an I16 Mosca colour scheme. It varies from book to book.
David Duckett28-Mar-10 08:03
The usual outstanding!! Ditto Poppy on the shading.
pakasit181228-Mar-10 12:26
I am really worried about her diet.This is the name of the game "Short Nose" all modellers have to face.Nevertheless, I am with you.
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