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Scratch Built AT-6 Texan by menu jr. Viewed 1426 times.
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menu jr28-Feb-10 07:22
And I give you rocky the pilot maker..
John M Oshust28-Feb-10 07:49
Your "can of peas" is is the plane!
Roring4028-Feb-10 08:47
Sensational !
wingspanner28-Feb-10 09:05
Superb work. At first I thought it was an RTF! kit
stirling28-Feb-10 09:10
WOW!!! What a stunning example. Well done.
menu jr28-Feb-10 14:38
thank you for all the kind word's.
FLYBOYZ28-Feb-10 17:52
I seen a real AT 6 Texan friday it had a diffent paint scheme but thats what she looked like satting on the runway!Beautiful My cammar went dead time she got there.Thats one perty bird menu.
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